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To make your guestbook or form a little different, you can customize it to suit you. You can add checkboxes, drop down lists and more.


  • type=text
    A single line text input just like on the guestbook page. Very basic.
  • name="name you choose"
    Tells the guestbook CGI or email CGI what to put on the page or in the email.
  • size=number
    The length of the text box as it appears in the browser window.
  • maxlength=number
    The maximum number of characters allowed to be filled in. This keeps anyone from typing an unlimited amount and clogging up your form return
  • value="text to appear"
    The default text to appear in the window. i.e. http:// (don't use this if your form field is a required field or your default text may be what you get back in your form if the user doesn't replace your default text with their own.

Single line of text:
<INPUT type=text name="text-box" size=50 maxlength=75 value="default text">


  • type=radio
    Radio button. All buttons within the same group must have the same name or more than one may be checked.   A single radio button can be shown, provided it has a unique name.
    • name=name you choose
      Tells the browser which radio button group the radio button belongs to.  That way only one of them can be checked.  Tells the form-to-mail script what to return when describing the dialog item contents (that way you know what their answer was when you see the form).
    • value=text
      The text that you see in your posting page or your email when that button is checked.
    • checked
      Specify the default radio button to be checked or not.

<INPUT type=radio name="Radio" value="yes" checked> yes
<INPUT type=radio name="Radio" value="no"> no

yes no

Checkbox group. Again, all buttons within the same group must have the same name. A single checkbox can be shown, provided its name is unique.

  • name=name you choose
    Tells the browser which checkbox group the checkbox belongs to. Tells the CGI script what to return when describing the dialog item contents (that way you know what their answer was when you see the form).
  • value=text
    The text you see in your posting page or your email when the checkbox is checked.
  • checked
    Specify a default checkbox to be checked or not.

<INPUT type=checkbox name="CheckBox" value="1"> one
<INPUT type=checkbox name="CheckBox" value="2"> two
<INPUT type=checkbox name="CheckBox" value="3" checked> three

one two three

Image field. The whole form is sent when the user clicks on the graphic. The value from the image is in the form of pixel coordinates, taken from the top left of the graphic. They are returned in the form name.x and name.y, where x and y are the coordinates of the mouse-click and name is the value given in the name attribute.

  • name=text
    Tells the form-to-mail script what to return when describing the dialog item contents (so you know what the user was responding to when they fill in the dialog item).
  • src=URL
    Specify the location of the graphic in the same way as you would with the img tag.
  • align=left|right|middle|top|texttop| absmiddle|baseline|bottom|absbottom
    Specify the alignment of the graphic in the same way as you would with the img tag.
  • border=pixels
    Specify the border width of the graphic in the same way as you would with the img tag.
  • height=pixels, width=pixels
    Specify the height and width of the graphic in the same way as you would with the img tag.
  • hspace=pixels, vspace=pixels
    Specify the vertical and horizontal space around the graphic in the same way as you would with the img tag.

<INPUT type=image name="submit" src="searchbut.gif" align="absmiddle">


Netscape 3+ and MS Internet Explorer 3+ only. You can use this with some servers if you have an incoming directory.  This input type enables the user to send a file and should bring up a text box and browse button (no browse button appears with Internet Explorer). This input type is used in forms for uploading files, i.e. Geocities and Tripod. It requires a server side CGI that allows program uploading.

  • name=text
    Name of the file to send.
  • size=n
    Specifies the size of the text box in characters.
  • maxlength=n
    Specifies a maximum length for the filename in characters.
  • accept=MIME content type
    Specify the types of files accepted using MIME content types in a comma separated list.

Send your file:
<INPUT type=file name="The users file" size=35 accept="image/*" maxlength=50>

Send your file:

Submit and reset buttons.

  • value=What you want to appear on the button.
    The button text.

<INPUT type=submit value="Send">
<INPUT type=reset value="Clear">

Using style sheets you can change the look of the buttons in CSS enabled browsers. Results will vary.

  • <textarea></textarea>
    Text entry area.
    • name=Name you choose
      Tells the form-to-mail script what to return when describing the dialog item contents (that way you know what their answer was when you see the form).
    • cols=number
      Specify the width of the text entry area in characters.
    • rows=number
      Specify the height of the text entry area in rows.
    • wrap=off | virtual | physical
      Netscape 2+ IE4 only. Specifies how the text input should wrap. Setting wrap=off means no wrapping will occur - text is sent exactly as typed. Setting wrap=virtual means the display wraps but the text is sent as typed. Setting wrap=physical means the display wraps and text is sent with line breaks at all wrap points. You may want to consider this to keep the text within certain boundaries on your posting page.

    Please give me your comments:<br>
    <textarea name="comments" cols=50 rows=10 wrap=physical>
    Type your comments here</textarea>

    Please give me your comments:

<select> <option>
List box. Use an <option> element with the <select> tags for each of the items in your list. You may have seen list boxes used as hyperlinks to other locations. This is Java or a CGI program and not available on AOL or contact your server administrator for the script. There is a code for using a form button for a link. It's at the bottom of the page.

  • name=name you choose
    Tells the form-to-mail script what to return when describing the dialog item contents (so you know what the user was responding to when they fill in the dialog item).
  • size=number
    Specify the number of list items shown at any one time. If this attribute is left out, the list box defaults to a drop-down list.
  • multiple
    Allows the user to make more than one selection from the same list.
  • value
    Used with the <option> element. This specifies what is returned in the e-mail or posted for a selected item. The text between the opening and closing option tags is what appears in the list box.
  • selected
    Used with the <option> element to specify a default selection. You may want to include the option of none-selected as your first option and the tag: <OPTION selected value="none">None-selected</OPTION> in your list. You can only have one option selected per list.

Choose one of the following:
<SELECT name="Single-line ListBox example">
<OPTION value="1">one</OPTION>
<OPTION selected value="2">two</OPTION>
<OPTION value="3">three</OPTION>
<OPTION value="4">four</OPTION>
Another choice:
<SELECT name="Multi-line, multi-selection Listbox example" size=3 multiple>
<OPTION value="5">five</OPTION>
<OPTION selected value="6">six</OPTION>
<OPTION value="7">seven</OPTION>
<OPTION value="8">eight</OPTION>

Choose one of the following:

Another choice:

Here's the HTML for making a form button link to a URL:

<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="URL to go to"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="text to appear"></form>

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