After spending the hours and hours I have on the web, searching for information
and saving them in my bookmarks and favorites, I'll share some with you. HTML Codes
On the Internet are some great resources for finding the
information you need about each and every HTML code.
META Tag Builder
- If you're going to register with search engines you should have META tags in the
head of your document. Many of the larger engines use these to categorize your site.
Reference - Here's a fairly complete list off what seems to be every HTML
tag and an explanation for each.
Search Engine Watch - If
you're going to be submitting your site to search engines, check this site first for some
great tips.
HTML Tutorials
I like to think the McWebber site is a good reference, but, there
are, of course, other tutorials on the web.

CedgeDsign - Lots of people
on AOL think that Cedge and I are competitors. Quite the opposite, we regularly help each
other out.
SunWeaving - Great
tutorials. Especially on AOL Press. :-) (Hi Susan)
Beginner's Guide to HTML - The National Center for Supercomputing
Applications introduction to HTML.
Imagemap Help Page - "This page
is an educational resource intended to provide assistance with the implementation of
HTML Goodies - Here's an ideal
page to keep bookmarked. You'll check back often for help on lots of topics.
If you don't know how to write JavaScript, don't worry. Here's some
links to pages with easy copy and paste examples. Of course you'll need a Java capable
browser to see the examples.
JavaScript Made Easy!
- More than 100 examples of the most requested JavaScript.
JavaScript for the non-programmer
- This tutorial will take you step by step through the fundamentals of JavaScript.
- JavaScript resources from Gamelan.
Java Applets
Java Applets add some handy features to your page. Just remember, some applets
can use a lot of resources on the users computer and slow the loading of your web page.
Chris Cobb's "Obligatory"
Java Applets - Some of the most commonly requested applets like a clock,
date display, ticker tape, web counter and more.
The Java Boutique - Billing
itself as a "resource for Internet users that would like to
add Java Applets to their own Web sites." You'll find 140 different applets with
instructions on how to add them.
Rose's Java Page - Lots
of nice applets, and some links to other utilities as well.
Cascading Style Sheets are supported by MSIE 3.+ and Netscape 4.X. IE and
Netscape have some differences in the way they implement style sheets, so as yet, they're
not a perfect thing unless you're working on an Intranet and know all the people viewing
your page are using only one kind of browser. If you're viewing this page with a CSS
capable browser, style sheets are what allow such simple things as non-underlined links.
Style sheets will become the standard in how pages display. With style sheets you'll
be able to have just one linked style sheet that controls how every page in your site
displays for a standard look throughout.
W3C Technical Paper - A
technical paper from the W3C, the organization that both Netscape
and Microsoft have promised to follow for browser standards. We'll see.
Web Review Style Sheets Reference Guide
- They say they're "the Web's most comprehensive Style Sheets Guide
anywhere." You be the judge.
CSS Gallery
- Microsoft typography information on style sheets for IE and some examples.
Lots of people want to know if they can use any graphic they find
on a web page for their page. The answer is, not without permission of the person who
designed the graphic. To avoid having to steal someone else's work, you can design your
own, or get graphics from one of the many sites on the Internet that offers them free of
Buttonz & Tilez
The package includes 2 applications, "Buttonz!",
which creates buttons of various shapes, and "Tilez!", which
renders seamless textures.
Ace of Space Backgrounds - As
the name implies, a collection of page backgrounds. You'll need to choose carefully
if you want any text to show up over some of these.
Julianne's Background
Textures - Lots of choices of colors with similar textures for your page.
SBN Image
Gallery - Free images, icons, backgrounds and buttons from Microsoft.
PictureDicer is a Freeware tool that chops any image file into
several smaller images, suitable for creating mouseover effects and pseudo-image
maps on Web pages.
Reptile is a cool application that lets you create funky
backgrounds for web pages, banners and buttons. (Watch out for spam from Sausage
Software after downloading.)
Gif Clean 32
removes extraneous structures, making your GIF files leaner and cleaner.
Graphics Tutorials
A Few Scanning Tips - Scanning
tips, hints, and fundamentals to help beginners get a quick start with their scanning.
PhotoShop Tips - It shows
how to use filters for everything from the simplest background to more complex images like
3D images.
PSP Tutorials
If you're on AOL you're probably familiar with Personal Publisher. AOL's
way of making web sites on line. Very simple, but very limited. There's lots of
other ways to publish a web page for the average user that don't take any special
knowledge or programming expertise.
Bulletin Board - The web's most popular Perl based message
board program. Add it to your site. Click Here
1st Page
Freeware HTML editing tool.
HTML Editor Reviews
- If you don't know which editor you want to use, this might be a good place to
start for reviews of many of them.
AOL Press - If you've been using
Personal Publisher, stop. AOL Press is a free editor that's designed for off-line editing
and then allows you to go on line to publish to your web space.
Allaire - Homesite is a
very easy to use HTML editor that interfaces with your web browser to show you the
results. Allaire also makes a product called Cold Fusion. Nothing the average person
needs, but meant for commercial web site design and publishing.
Netscape - Netscape Gold and
Netscape Communicator both have web page editing and publishing tools built in.
Front Page - Microsoft's
soup to nuts web page editing and publishing system. Big program. Great editor. Download
Internet Explorer and you can get the free verions, FrontPage Express.
Rtf2HTML - Program to
convert .rtf (Rich Text Format) files to HTML. You can create a page with
Microsoft's Word Pad accessory, and turn it into a web page without knowing any HTML.
Super Note
Tab - A great free text editor with built in HTML tools. Can be used to
replace Windows Notepad for plain text editing.
Common Gateway Interface are the programs that reside on the
servers that make things like search engines, guestbooks, and form to mail scripts work.
Services like AOL offer some CGI scripts you can access and use, but not upload your own
since CGI scripts can take a lot of server resources to run. Even if you don't have CGI
access to upload your own CGI or Perl scripts, there are plenty of places on the Internet
that offer free, but limited, use of CGI. Some may require a link on the pages using
the script.
CGI Resources - A great place
to start your search for free CGI. Lots of links to services as well as scripts to
download if you have CGI access.
Perl WWW -
is a (personal) attempt to index Perl programs,
and libraries, related to the World
Wide Web.
CGI & Perl Tutorial
Lots of great info here. "This goal of this tutorial is to guide you through
programming useful applications in Perl. You will learn how to use Perl for processing
HTML forms and adding interaction to web sites."
Server Side
Includes Information and codes to make life easier if you have SSI enabled on
your server.
The Small Office/Home Office Consumer
page. Some very useful information regarding buying a copier or laser printer for
the small or home office.
Windows 95 Tips
Some great info and tips on Windows 95 and Internet Exporer. Lots of simple "How
Windows 98
Monitor Type Not Retained When Upgrading or Reinstalling Windows (Q195044)
Msconfig.exe Does Not Retain Selective Startup Settings (Q195042)
The Euro Symbol Is Not Printed (Q195041)
Resource Kit Contains Wrong Selective Acknowledgement Settings (Q195018)
Err Msg: Invalid VxD Dynamic Link Call from VPOWERD(06)... (Q194999)
Vserver.vxd File Not Found When You Start Your Computer (Q194990)
Infrared Searching Does Not Respond When Enabled (Q194964)
Installing Windows 98 from a Zip Drive Is Not Supported (Q194946)
Invalid Page Fault When You Try to Run the Registration Wizard (Q194904)
Slow Shutdown When Pressing the Power Button on Your Computer (Q194877)
Windows Update Wizard Uninstall Documentation Error in Help (Q194847)
How to Make Your CD-ROM Drive Accessible in Safe Mode (Q194846)
Cannot Find a Device File Vvinesd.386 When You Start Computer (Q194845)
Windows 98 Setup Stops Responding After First Restart (Q194836)
Delays Connecting to NetWare Servers in Mixed Network (Q194827)
Maintenance Wizard Tool Prompts You to Run FAT32 Converter Tool (Q194805)
Dial-Up Networking Connection Dials Extra Numbers (Q194804)
How to Determine Your Installed Windows 98 Updates (Q194796)
Windows 95/98 DHCP Retry Compliance with RFC2131 (Q194790)
Version Conflict When Installing TCP/IP (Q194758)
Magnifier Tool Does Not Work with Multiple Monitors (Q194732)
Error Message: XMS Cache Problem. Registry Services May Be... (Q194731)
Windows 98 Setup Hangs During Plug and Play Hardware Detection (Q194721)
Dial Properties Unavailable in a Dial-Up Networking Connection (Q194710)
Cannot View Computer Resources Using Direct Cable Connection (Q194709)
White Text on Black Background Is Not Printed Properly (Q194708)
Error Message: VMM32.VXD Is Required to Run Windows... (Q194679)
Clicking Cancel on Gateway Tab Does Not Reset Changes (Q194667)
Changes on DNS Configuration Tab Not Reset When You Click Cancel (Q194561)
Error Message: Invalid VxD Dynamic Link Call from VNBT(01)... (Q194536)
Iomega Ditto Dash Not Detected Properly During Windows 98 Setup (Q194533)
Program Starts Unexpectedly When You Start Your Computer (Q194529)
Windows Report Tool Starts Minimized (Q194511)
Internet Explorer for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
Update Available for Dotless IP Address Security Issue (Q168617)
Err Msg: An Internal Error Occurred in the Windows Internet... (Q194625)
New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen (Q194759)
Using Automatic Configuration Causes GP Fault (Q194944)
Windows CE
ActiveSync Service Manager Ignores .mdb and .cdb Files (Q194725)
Err Msg: Initialization of Microsoft Outlook Synchronization... (Q194541)
Serial Device Attached to Switch Box with H/PC Does Not Work (Q194534)
Windows CE Services Setup Enables All COM Ports for RAS (Q194518)
Windows 95
ATAPI CD-ROM Changer Miniport Driver Is Not Properly Supported (Q194936)
First Time Start Screen Displayed Every Time You Start Windows (Q194794)
Group Policies Are Ignored, All Other Policies Work as Expected (Q165064)
Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.51
Using Automatic Configuration Causes GP Fault (Q194944)
New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen (Q194759)
Err Msg: An Internal Error Occurred in the Windows Internet... (Q194625)
Update Available for Dotless IP Address Security Issue (Q168617)
Internet Explorer for UNIX
Update Available for Dotless IP Address Security Issue (Q168617)