If you're looking to learn more about HTML, CGI, Java,
JavaScript, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop or any web publishing related topic,
we have a number of books that will make web sites easy.
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Here's the place to start. There's lots of information
on HTML including a brief explanation of how HTML works along with the
basic HTML codes you see when you view the source of a web page.
<-- MORE --> Print a page. This simple to copy
JavaScript code will allow a "Print" button on your page.
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Add a counter to your page with just a simple line of
code and see how many people have visited.
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Using HTML codes, change the font on your page.
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Make pages that display in more than one part, use a separate
frame that stays on the page displaying navigation links for your
web site.
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Add a guestbook so visitors to your page can leave you
a message that displays on another page.
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Those great images, backgrounds and icons that spice
up a page. Some free buttons and links to lots of free images
for your page.
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Add scrolling text across your page.
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Add a search engine to your web page. Lots of
codes to choose from for many of the most popular search engines as well
as a search engine to see if a domain name is available.
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Add sound to your page with midi, .wav or Real Audio
files explained here.
Codes for tables which are great for controlling the
layout of your page.
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