The first thing you should remember: Only
use .gif and .jpg images for your web page. I don't mean .bmp images that you just
rename with a .gif or .jpg file extension. The image must be converted by an image
conversion program like Paint Shop Pro, (
You then save the converted image and replace yours. For photo type images and images with
lots of dithering colors, convert to .jpg. For icons and smaller images and images with
less than 256 colors, convert to .gif.
Adding an image to your web page is
easy. You just add the code where you want the image to appear.
<img src="name of file.gif">
You can center the image with
<center><img src="file.gif"></center>
You can have more than one image in a line. <center><img src="file1.gif"><img src="file2.gif"></center>
If you want to separate them a little bit:
<center><img src="file1.gif" HSPACE=#><img src="file2.gif"></center>
(#=the number of pixels you want to separate them by.)
Aligning an image is done by adding the
proper align info inside the img tag:
In this
case the image is giving the align=left tag and will stay to the left of any text entered. The next image is set align=right so it stays to the right of any text entered.
When you want the text continue below the image following. Add clear="all" to your <BR> tag.
So it will appear <BR clear="all">.
Here's what the tag should look like:
<img src="file.gif" align="right">
Other alignment tags are:
If you want to make an image into a link, it's just like any other
link. <A HREF="url
to go to"><img src="file.gif"></a> If you want to get rid of the border around the
link image: <A HREF="url
to go to"><img src="file.gif"
Making an image as a mail link is really
easy. <A HREF=""><img src="file.gif" BORDER="0"></A>
To save any of the above images, right click the image and choose "Save
As" or click on the image and save from your "File" menu.
Adding a background image to your page is
easy too. In your <BODY> tag just add BACKGROUND="name of
file.gif" Remember, you should only have one <BODY> tag on your page. It
should contain all of the attributes for your page. Here's the body tag for this page:
<body background="../images/mc.jpg"
text="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#808080"
TIP: Use
only lowercase for all your file names. This saves on mistakes later. Images
and links are case SENsiTIve. <img
src="file.gif"> isn't the same as
<img src="FILE.gif">
Now go to any of the following links and find yourself
some images and graphics. Just be careful how many images you put on a page. The more you
have, especially animated .gif images, the slower your page will be to load. To save the
images, right click on the image and choose "Save as"